Confronting Corruption in the policing and Returning to God’s Law

This blog post delivers a powerful message to the police forces in Western nations, highlighting the deep-seated corruption that has eroded the foundation of justice. Drawing from biblical principles, we challenge law enforcement to confront the moral decay within their ranks and call for a return to the righteous path ordained by God. The post underscores the urgent need for repentance and the reintegration of divine standards into our justice systems.

old Time Preaching

8/26/20243 min read

The Erosion of Justice in Western Nations

I stand before you today, not as a mere voice among men, but as a herald of the Most High God, compelled to declare the grievous crime committed in the sight of Almighty God. The very fabric of justice in our Western nations is unraveling, the foundations of law and order crumbling before our eyes. The justice departments, once bastions of integrity, have become as corrupt and futile as the ancient Greek governments, whose ruins lie buried in the dust of history.

And yet, the Most High, in His sovereign will, has allowed this evil to grip us, sinful men, as a divine punishment for our wholesale rejection of the God of grace.Through His Son, Jesus Christ—whose blood we, sinful men, shed out of our deep-seated hatred for God—we have spurned His mercy and brazenly declared that it is not enough.

We have thrown His grace back in His face, proclaiming in our arrogance that we do not need His salvation. I come to report the most heinous sin of all—the sin of turning away from the Holy One of Israel, a sin for which judgment has already begun. You may rise in protest, saying, "Who are you to accuse us? We are the law! We scoff at your so-called God, for we do not draw our morals from the Christian faith, nor do we care for the whims of your ancient texts." But I tell you, not on my authority, but on the unshakable authority of Scripture, you have violated every commandment given by God Himself.

You have cast aside the knowledge of the Lord, and in your arrogance, you have been handed over to a depraved mind. Your hands are stained with wickedness; your hearts overflow with evil, greed, and corruption. You have filled your ranks with envy, strife, deceit, and malice. You are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. You have invented new ways to do evil, defying even the most basic tenets of respect and obedience.

Do you not see? Your actions have severed you from the grace of God! You, who were meant to uphold the law, have become lawless in your hearts. You are devoid of understanding, loyalty, love, and mercy. Though you know God’s righteous decree—that those who do such things deserve death—you not only continue to practice them but also applaud others who follow in your wicked ways.

And what does the Almighty say of such rebellion? His word is clear: "Your wickedness will punish you; your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me." Yes, you have forsaken Him, and worse still, you have no fear, no reverence for His holy authority.

For this reason, judgment is upon you. Look at the evidence of your sin, the hypocrisy that permeates your ranks, plain as day to those who still revere God’s righteous law. The second commandment—to love your neighbor as yourself—lies trampled underfoot. Once, you may have taken up the mantle of a law officer with noble intent, to serve and protect your fellow man. But now, you have perverted that calling for the sake of evil.

Oh, that the Lord would open your eyes to your stubborn ways! I plead with you to repent, to turn back to the holy and righteous God who commanded you to love your neighbor. That commandment, which should be the very essence of your duty, has been disregarded and despised.

My dear brethren in the Police Departments, you have become a scourge upon the land—arresting pastors, spreading lies, and committing acts of violence and murder. Your force, which should be an instrument of peace, has become a vessel of iniquity.

I tell you, the most straightforward, the most effective, and the most powerful way to curb crime in our midst is to restore God to His rightful place in our police departments. Until you do this, you will achieve nothing of true and lasting worth.

Remember the words of the Apostle Paul: "Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law." (Romans 2:14). You are without excuse, for the law of God is written upon your hearts, and yet you have chosen to rebel against it.

May the Lord have mercy on your souls and lead you back to the path of righteousness.
